11-11 Awakening with the Angels Live In-Person

The Cosmic Gateway 11-11 is a time to gather together for Awakening with the Angels! Access higher wisdom, healing, and Light energy during this group in-person gathering. We are invited to call in the angels and ascended masters to assist us in our evolution. All of us will breathe together, set sacred space, and open up to the higher realms, inviting in the wisdom and healing of the Angels, Ascended Masters, and other benevolent beings. Messages, information, and healing attunements are channeled for all. Bring water, a journal, and mat if you wish. Chairs/blankets provided. 7pm to 8:30pm Cost:  $25 … Continue reading

Divine Play Time – Oracles and Divination

March 12, 2024 7:00 – 9:00 PM $44 Bring your own oracle cards, runes, tarot decks, pendulums, or whatever you love to divine with for a chance to hang out and read for each other! We have plenty of decks to play with if you don’t have your own, so just bring your energy and willingness to open up your intuition, connect to the higher realms, and have fun! Rita will be holding space to guide any beginners. All are encouraged to share practices. Registration is requested, but walk-ins are welcomed. To register, please use this link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/fx39e7b … Continue reading

Sacred Space Gathering for Wellbeing

Thursday, November 2, 2023 7:00PM – 8:30PM $33 Location: Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center, 1200 S. Church St. #8, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Moving into sacred space and allowing the heart to open for receiving peace, light, healing, strength, and compassion, we are gathered with you to share our wisdom teachings and healing attunements.  Divine messages and personal connections nourish and soothe. Come into sacred space and be at peace. Rita channels for all. Facilitated by Rita Strough Registration is requested, but walk-in’s are welcomed. Cash or Venmo at the door. Please register using this link: https://DivineBeingSpiritualFitness.as.me/sacred … Continue reading

Reiki Level 2 Certification

In this training and certification class, one becomes “attuned” to Reiki Level 2 which expands on the teachings of Reiki Level 1 and introduces emotional and mental balancing and healing using sacred symbols and other techniques, and long distance healing. Teachings include: Reiki sacred symbols Long distance healing Surfacing and extracting emotional “clouds” Raising consciousness and increasing intuitive capacity Reiki Level 1 certification is a pre-requisite for this training. Reiki Level 2 Class Date:  December 9, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (with 1/2 hour lunch break) Location: Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center, 1200 S. Church St.  Suite 8,  … Continue reading

Channeled Meditation (in-person)

Morning and Evening Sessions Times: 10:30AM every other Friday 7:00PM every other Tuesday Class fee: $20 Location: Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center, 1200 S. Church St. Suite #8, Mt. Laurel, NJ Dates: Please use the links below to see upcoming dates Description: Come into sacred space, reconnect with your inner being, share in the wisdom of the angels and ascended masters.Each meditation and channeling is unique, guided by the energies of the participants in the NOW moment. Bring your mat and pillow if you wish to lay down. Chairs and blankets are provided. You may wish to bring your journal … Continue reading

Harmonious Balance Workshop

September 29, 2023 6:30PM – 8:00PM $44 Location: The Dance Lab, 12 W. Camden Ave., Moorestown, NJ 08057 Create harmonious balance within the body, mind, and spirit by opening and exploring the energy of the seven main chakras which make up our energetic chakra system. Using breath, guided imagery, mindful focus, color, and movement, we will examine and adjust each energy center to bring balance, stability, and harmony to our whole selves.  Gain a better understanding of our chakras, the energetic vortices through which we give and receive energy, and travel through the chakra system mentally, physically, and spiritually by connecting … Continue reading

Workshop: Through the Golden Cloud

Home in the Higher Realms August 21, 2023 – Through the Golden Cloud – Home in the Higher Realms Getting to know your spiritual guides and advisors can seem difficult, but not when you can feel at home in the higher realms of angels, spirit guides, and ascended masters. These loving, benevolent beings create a relaxed environment where we are welcome to interact with them openly and lovingly, creating a channel where love, support, information, and healing can flow down from the heavenly realms. As a group, we are more powerfully connected, supporting one another’s energies as we transcend ordinary reality … Continue reading

Spirit Animal Connection

In the realms of Spirit, there exist many different dimensions. We can ascend to the highest levels and connect with angels, ascended masters, and other high vibrational beings of an advanced evolutionary state, and we can roam though the realms of earthly dimensions to connect with the nature spirits. We can dive deeper into this Natural world by connecting with our animal spirit guides who take many and varied forms. Some of these animal guides are regular visitors to our life experience, showing up in surprising ways. Delightful, awe-inspiring. and sometimes humbling, these animal spiritual guides are with us, sharing … Continue reading

Journey of the Spirit – Embodying the Divine – 3 Part Summer Series

June 26, July 31, and August 21 at 7:00PM in Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center, Mt. Laurel, NJ In this 3-part series, Rita Strough and Shalini Breault lead participants into sacred space, inviting in the four directions as our compass for use throughout the series as our guide.  Shamanic journeying techniques, movement, sound, and meditation help us uncover hidden aspects of our multi-dimensional Selves. This series brings us into contact with the lower world, the middle world, and the upper world by consciously connecting with Spirit Animals, Elemental Nature Spirits, and the Higher or Heavenly realms. Are you ready to … Continue reading

Shine On!

In spite of the events happening in this world, the pain, suffering, and all manner of chaos, know that there is a light that shines for you. You are that Light! And in a world full of pain and suffering, there is always a choice we make to see this Light and to be this Light for ourselves and for others. While you may think you have nothing to offer, no words of wisdom, or clever observations, you have the Light that is your being, your truth. You have this always, regardless of conditions. So whether you are a man … Continue reading

Angelic Frequency Attunement – Let the Sun Shine In

Let The Sun Shine In! Angelic Frequency Attunement For millennia, people have gravitated toward the light, the sun, and worshipping the sun as a god is not new.  There have been countless sun gods, and even as we take time to lay out in the sun, we call it sun worshipping. This is because at our core, we are like the sun,  an inexhaustible powerful force of energy and light, heat and radiant energy that powers life on this planet.  There is no other way to think about the sun but as  the  giver of life.  So we today call … Continue reading

Ascended Master Frequency Attunement Group Healing

When: November 29, 2022 Time: 7:00PM Cost: $33 Location: Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center, 1200 S. Church St. #8, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08057 Enter sacred space to unwind and connect with the Ascended Master Realm for an energetic “tune up.” Which Masters will come through is still open, however Melchizedek has been quite active. Rita Strough channels high vibrational energies from the Ascended Master Realm into this gathering so we take what we need most at this time. Come prepared to receive. “We are powerful beings, united in our defense of love, energized to defend the hearts of those who … Continue reading

Divine Identity

There are times when we can feel the energies of the human race begin to shift and this is one of those times. While there are many of you who have come to a new awareness of yourselves as divine beings, some are still waiting, holding out for something else to convince them of this very real fact of your identity.Today we wish to talk about Identity. Identity is something we can all identify with (pun intended). For where there is energy there is light, and where there is light there is hope. This too shall come to pass, where there … Continue reading

Guardian Angel

“He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways” – Psalms 91:11 There’s a way to be in this world. It is a way that tells us to look out for ourselves, to be brave, and to be true to ourselves. This can be very challenging work when we are confronted with our own fears and worries. We know that we can choose to be however we want to be in this world, brave and strong, or worried and sad. It is the Angels, specifically our Guardian angels, who work tirelessly to be there … Continue reading


What is fortitude?  It is the ability to withstand what is required and to move forward with conviction, strength and trust.  Fortitude begins where the bravery leaves off. When you have accomplished something so unique and so amazing that you feel fortified and made whole, you are working from a place of fortitude.  That is where the rubber meets the road so to speak  We speak of fortitude as a strength, as a blessing, as one of those fearless aspects that keeps a person moving ahead even when things get so difficult it seems easier and more appropriate to simply … Continue reading

The Other Side of the Rainbow

Dear angels, what message do you have today? The other side of the rainbow Where do rainbows come from?  It is a refraction of light through water droplets that shine and turn the pure white light from the sun into a myriad of color.  The spectrum of colors we are all familiar with are vibrant and strong; they make up all the colors that we can perceive.  But what about the colors and things we cannot perceive with our human eyes? When you have the opportunity to come to the bridge over which the other side of the rainbow can … Continue reading

Reset, Release, and Claim Your Power

with Rita Strough and Crystal Lynn Perez May 23, 2022 7PM to 9PM $29 Are you tired of the same old stories weighing you down? Do you want to feel empowered while going after what you want?  No more waiting! Now is the time to achieve what you desire.  Join us on this personal and spiritual journey to connect back with who you truly are and let the baggage of the past go.  During this Workshop, You Will: Identify and let go of obstacles so you can clear your inner space and get resultsLet your soul lead you towards what’s right … Continue reading

Harmonic Healing with the Angels

Harmonic Healing is achieved when all levels of the being, in all dimensions of time and space, are in balance and harmony. Join together in this gathering within sacred space, to receive guidance from the angels, Guides, and Ascended Masters to assist in your personal evolutionary journey. Rita Strough facilitates the opening connections, and your higher self, Guardian Angels, and Guides do the rest. Oracle cards are used to prompt messages and discussions. Investment: $33 Registration required as space is limited. Sign up for the email newsletter to be notified of this and other events, gatherings, and classes. It’s easy! … Continue reading

Angelic Frequency Attunement Group Healing

Date: Friday, April 29, 2022 Time: 7PM to 9PM Location: Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center 1200 S. Church Street, Suite #8, Mt. Laurel, NJ at the Village II Shoppes and Offices Investment: $33 High vibrational energies from the Angelic Realm lift burdens, provide clarity, peace, and healing. Come prepared to call forth into sacred space any concerns, pain, longing, worries, regrets, disappointments and heartaches that have created the heaviness you have been shouldering, consciously or unconsciously, and lay them out for the Angels to heal, giving you space to hold frequencies of Light at every level of your being.   Facilitated by Rita Strough, … Continue reading