Ms. Arati M. Gupta has been performing Indian dance since the tender age of 7. She has performed in various Indian and Non-Indian organizations such as: India Temple Association of South Jersey, Council of Indian Organizations, Voorhees Township Diversity Committee International, McGuire Air Force Base, Philippine Fiesta, Inc and many others. She still performs and now choreographs dances for children and adults. Arati has presented the Bollywood dance workshop from 2010-2013 & 2015-2017 in the Camden County Women’s Health Conference and it was a great success. She along with her mother began a South Asian children’s cultural enrichment program where they … Continue reading
Category Archives: Teachers
Coming into yoga with pre-existing injuries from a tough physical job, Stacey Reeves learned how to pay attention to her body. Taking years to master a yoga practice suitable for someone with her injuries, Stacey found a way to gain all the benefits of her practice without causing aches and pains in the body. Teaching yoga classes that are accessible to everyone became her passion. She encourages students to be comfortable with their personal expression of the poses and listen to and honor their bodies. Stacey continues to learn new modifications and ways to use props that help her students experience poses in ways … Continue reading

Peggy Garron is an Intuitive & Medium, a Reiki Master and an Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner. She was born with a caul or hood, often referred to as a “veil,” over her face. Many belief systems hold that being born with a veil is a sign of special destiny and psychic abilities. This holds true in her case, as Peggy has been gifted with the ability to receive messages from Spirit, Angels, Guides and loved ones who have entered into Spirit. She uses her abilities to heal and guide by lovingly receiving and transmitting messages and by practicing healing modalities, … Continue reading

Shalini Breault is a certified Reiki Master in the Usui Tradition, an experienced Vedic Chant practitioner and teacher, certified Consulting Hypnotist with a specialization in Hypno-Fertility, and holds a certification in The Secrets of Chakra Wisdom course by Master Healer, Deborah King. She is part owner of Artisan’s Korner, a retail store located in Medford, New Jersey that is dedicated to bringing original, locally crafted goods to the public including Shalini’s unique hand-made mantra malas, jewelry, notecards, knitted ruffle scarves and bling apparel. An inspired creator, Shalini develops workshops and classes that assist others in accessing their inner creator. One of her original … Continue reading

Anna started her journey into the healing arts back in 1998 when she received her first Usui Reiki Attunement. A natural born sensitive to energies and sounds, she came to understand the different vibrations and levels one can work with and through, opening up to the support and guidance of the Reiki Masters and the beloved Higher Beings of Light. Anna is a master in Usui/Holy Fire Reiki and Karuna Reiki (the Reiki of Compassion). She is also a certified Hatha yoga teacher and a Crystal Bowls Sound Therapist. Her interest in Crystal Bowls began with her own healing experience … Continue reading

Spiritual Counselor Reiki Master Spiritual Teacher The question, “Who am I and why am I here?” began to gnaw at me around the age of 43. This marked the beginning of my spiritual awakening, though at the time, all I felt was confusion, loneliness, and a deep yearning for meaning. I was still working full-time in the insurance industry, balancing the demands of my corporate job with the needs of my family. I started to feel there had to be more to life than just rushing through each day—reacting to situations, trying to keep up with a constantly changing world, … Continue reading

Michael Gross is a Positive Energy Practitioner and Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach. He has coached municipalities, businesses, Miss New Jersey and other individuals to better achieve their goals. His “Build Your Inner Team” workshops have helped thousands to see positives instead of negatives, solutions instead of problems, and to focus on what’s going right in their lives and businesses, and build from there. His “Be Your Own Wingman” concept is a philosophy that has been praised by Marc Allen, owner of New World Library, and best selling authors Donald Altman, SARK and Dr. Bernie Siegel. Michael co-hosts a weekly … Continue reading