Archangel Gabriel wishes to connect and align with you for the purpose of opening up your channel to receive very high level vibrational information and attunements. Mary Magdalene is going to be here this evening as well as Jesus energy supported through Archangel Gabriel. Mary Magdalene is advocating for TRUTH and she has come to align us with her and her loving counter part, Lord Jesus, to become open and receptive to TRUTH. They are calling for open, loving and receptive hearts to anchor firmly into the earth plane a stronger vibration for TRUTH to root and grow.
They say to wear gold, either jewelry or clothing or just bring something that is a precious metal to hold to infuse with the attunement energies for this evening. Any metal you are comfortable with. We like GOLD for it is the most conducive to our energies. (this is Mary Magdalene and Jesus energy), but anything you like from the metals category of elements is fine.
As always, bring water to drink, a notebook and pen, your favorite crystals if any, and any other objects you would like blessed. They say they will be blessing objects this night.
$25 at the door. Cash or Check. Please RSVP! Very important as space is limited!! E-mail me at
Whew!! This is going to be something else…I can feel it!!
7 to 9 pm
Divine Being Spiritual Fitness Center, 108 Fairway Terrace, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 (inside Integrated Therapy Center)
Sign me up for next week! I also sent you an email with an attachment of the reading you did for me which included the messages from Jesus and Mother Mary. Please feel free to use them any way you see fit if it will add to your sessions.